Rich County Treasurer

LouJean Argyle
P.O. Box 186
Randolph, UT 84064
Ph. (435) 793-5155
Fax (435) 793-5156
Bills and collects all real property taxes, administers statutory tax relief programs, refunds tax over-payments, distributes all taxes collected to local tax entities, receipts, deposits, records, and invests all general fund money, balances county bank statements, assists the building inspector in secretarial duties.
As of Nov 4, 2020, the Rich County Treasurer’s office will not be taking payments over the phone at 435-793-5155. Please go to “ONLINE PAYMENTS” or call Instant Payments at 800-764-0844. You will need to have your parcel number and the tax amount owed. Thank you!
The Tax Notices will change to the new parcel number format. There will be an addition of two "0"s added to the existing parcel numbers. Example: 12-34-56-789 will change to 12-34-560-0789.
These new parcel numbers will be on all property tax information from now on. Please note if you make payments from bill pay or online that the parcel number will need to be changed. Parcel numbers are required with all types of payment! Failure to include the parcel number may result in the payment being returned.
Tax Forms and Documents
How is Property Tax Calculated in Utah? (Video)
Fill out the appropriate form below, print it, sign it and return it to the Treasurer's office at the court house.
Low Income Abatement and Homeowner's Tax Credit Application (PDF Fill online and print)
Veteran with a Disability Property Tax Exemption Application (PDF Fill online and print)
If you will be age 65 or older on or before December 31, 2024, under age 66 and disabled, low income, you are a widow or widower and have not remarried, a disabled veteran or active duty armed forces, you may qualify for a property tax credit.
To receive a discount on your property taxes, you must fill out a property tax abatement application. These application are available at the rich county treasurer’s office or attached to this notice.
Information to be reported on the application includes household income, social security number, age, name, etc.
An applicant’s household income must be less than $40,840. Disabled veterans or active duty requires information on your service and/or disability.
Only property tax on a primary residence is eligible for a property tax credit.
If you have any questions or you would like an application, you may contact the rich county treasurer’s office. Phone number 435-793-5155.
Forms are also available at http: // and